ELISA kits

●K2/Spice (JWH-018) Synthetic Cannabinoids ELISA Kit

●JWH-250 (K2/Spice) Synthetic Cannabinoid ELISA Kit

●UR-144/XLR-11 (K2/Spice) Synthetic Cannabinoids ELISA Kit

●PB-22 (QUPIC) Synthetic Cannabinoid ELISA Kit

●AKB48 (APINICA) Synthetic Cannabinoid ELISA Kit

●AB-PINACA Synthetic Cannabinoid ELISA Kit


●Anti-K2/Spice Synthetic Cannabinoids, IgG

●Anti-JWH-250 (K2/Spice) Synthetic Cannabinoid, IgG

●Anti-UR144/XLR11 (K2/Spice) Synthetic Cannabinoids, IgG

●Anti-PB-22 Synthetic Cannabinoid, IgG

●Anti-AKB48 Synthetic Cannabinoid, IgG

●Anti-AB-PINACA Synthetic Cannabinoid, IgG

Peroxidase Conjugates

●JWH-018 x HRP

●JWH-250 x HRP

●UR-144 x HRP

●PB-22 x HRP

●AKB48 x HRP


Synthetic Cannabinoids

Our product areas > Synthetic Cannabinoids

Tulip Biolabs produces synthetic cannabinoids ELISA assay kits and related reagents for JWH-018, JWH-250, UR-144, PB-22 (QUPIC), AKB48 (APINACA), AB-PINACA and their cross-reacting synthetic cannabinoid metabolites.  Other assay formats and alternative synthetic cannabinoid kits can be custom manufactured.  Please contact us for your requirements.